fallen stars and the somber night

 fallen stars and the somber night
 reflections of bygone, desire visions
 of trials past
 upon the streams unto rapids
 around the bend unto the depth
 of currents time passing  
 unto rest and the gentle sigh
 swaddle in respite in the arms
 of others woes
 night becomes neither day
 nor the dusk returns to evening’s  
 graven shadows
 the silver light of dawn’s breaching
 unto gold as the mist of the morning
 carries our souls  

guiding acceptance

a gentle rain whispers poetry
and floods the plowing fields,
shadow of night creeps
from the corner to the beside
transferring to the brimming of dawn

fear is an absence, an absence of:
hope, understanding and control; 
hope is is an adherence 
to a faith that guides,
understanding is acceptance,
and control is a complete illusion 


this life will take you
from sandy beaches to storming sea
your friends will desert you
your enemies succeed you

when those crashing waves
try your wooden ship
see my light

I’ll be your lighthouse
your port of refuge(mission of respite)
from the stormy sea(cold dark night)

you’ve been risen from the barren
given figs and furs of majesty
your privilege comes to burden
as the fire dies on alters of ruin


Cigarettes, coffee, and pie
in the night in star gazed
dim street light

are there any wonders
in the still of life
in the dim somber
nocturnal light

camels tolly’s and coconut cream
soft cool breeze
through the silence
of night’s reign

as early over achievers
run their 5K, as the
chronic underachievers
stumble upon their homeward ways

it seems the night quickens
through the steady witching

yet can seem so long
when the darkness
is what but all there is to be held

somber breeze

not sure what paradise
you saw beyond
this stormy sea
but all there is
is a isle of tragedy
eye of the storm
like the calm in my eyes
restless water lay aside
a broken vessel
and a soul convicted to flow
not sure what promise land
you saw beyond
the barren sands
like a gift you receive
after giving all you had to me
as the tapestry of a starry sky
comes unwound and
lays upon the tide
and heaven bequest your eyes
my love and pain, ‘ can not hide
not sure what heaven
you were searching for
when you plated your soul
and you held me within
the midnight’s breeze

moment with

the phantom touch
of an invisible hug
felt miles away
from the distant
and tragic eponymous love
As I wake in the stern
moonlight piercing through
the unfastened blinds
bright upon the sky
a haunt of memory evoking the night
like a dope sick dream
and beads of sweat
upon the brow a want like no other
for your lips I ache
through a restless night when I awake
for the moon has the sea
and it is unto thee
autumn has the spring
as the dying leaves
return unto the tree’s
the sea basks on the shore
and the weighted sand
stays until the ebb tide
turns back upon it’s bank
for what is nature if not rebirth
as the starlight neither
wanes nor repose
for they are there in the night
as in the light, waiting
to be through the darkened sight
hallow and saintly
to give thus not to receive
for what is time
if there not be love
holding it’s strands upon the mind
it is neither my body that wanders
nor my mind that wonders
it is my soul that reaches
from dreams that spoken
of hope that the moment with you will be forever