Sweet sorrow

                                       Sweet sorrow                     

To tell or not to tell you how I feel; to let you know what I think could be between us, a love that would light the mysterious world that I dwell in, but to confess my care that I have for you would have to know, 

as cold winds blow not knowing were they go so do I.


maybe one of these lonely days you will see with out my words what it is that makes me look at you like no one else, all I have are these dreams that keep me going but I know they are untruths and it would never be that way,

sun shines and all takes it in, take in my admiration no longer I remain grim. 


Thousands of love songs say how I feel; even more poems do the same, many men have known how I feel and they confess in there own ways, and these are my words I say them for you but you may never here,

 as the moon shines to lighting my way, my adoring thoughts of you keep me from astray.


I have a cane for few to see that keeps me from falling for every one to perceive that I am weak, but I live knowing that there could be a better tomorrow I will pray that you will see me as a man that has wrote you these words that I may never whisper unto your ears,

 the sun comes up on the darkest of night and all things live once more.              

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